Pleasure and Pressure
By tuesday we have to deliver a project to one of our clients. And, as part of this is pretty unpredictable I had to work on it today. But this morning I couldn’t get myself to start with it, so I decided to clean out the garage (at least most of the rubbish) and after that treat myself to another trip in the Buggy. Armed with my iPod, warm clothing and a full tank of gas, I started on a tour of 40km which took me about two hours… It was great… the sun was shining, I found some good trails where I can legally drive and had a lot of fun.
Arriving back home with the buggy covered in mud I finally had to face the fact that I had to force myself to get to work… and guess what, it actually went o.k. I’ve been working on it for several hours, but fortunately everything I planned to do today is finished. Hopefully the rest of the project goes as smoothly and we’ll be finished by tomorrow evening.
I really should take some more time off