The previous posts were in Dutch, I’m now forced to resort to one hand typing and that is hard enough without having to think about english words ๐ But I’ll give it a try. At May 10th, I fell over with my bugrider: a sort of race-cart. The result can be seen on the x-ray in my previous post. After three days in the hospital, I went home and experienced first hand (no joke intended) how very annoying it is to have an injury. In my entire live, this is the first time I’ve broken something. So who am I to complain.ย
It must be said, the hospital-people were great!!! My deepest respects for them. Dealing with patients isn’t always easy. I hope I wasn’t a pain in the ass for them.ย
Anyway, now wearing a cast for two more weeks and them hopefully on to regaining my strength. I will be riding the buggy some more, but I’ll definitely will be a lot more careful.
Ben vandaag thuis gekomen uit het ziekenhuis, eindelijk weer eigen bed en geen dementerende alzheimerpatienten om me wakker te houden. De mensen in het cwz zijn erg aardig en hebben goed voor me gezorgd! Het gips dat er nu omzit mag er over 2 weken af… Ik kan met een hand typen, dus ik stop ermee! zal straks ff rontgen uploaden
ik wordt vandaag geopereerd, krijg 2 plaatjes in mijn pols, dan wordt mijn elleboog gespalkt en krijg ik GEEN gips! mag wrschnlk vandaag of morgen naar huis!
dom heel dom,
na lekker crossen op de akker, te enthousiast een bocht genomen op beton. omgevallen en mijn arm lag de verkeerde kant op! resultaat: elleboog uit de kom, ellepijp en spaakbeen gebroken, rontgenfoto volgt! geen pretje veel pijn, een unieke combinatie! Dus morfine nu en operatie morgen!
en dan 6 weken gips! =:( afzien….
Last week we went off buggy-riding to Arnhem. It was a beautiful day and we had a lot of fun. Just look at theย Buggy Footage and you’ll see what I mean
Although we do not realize it at the time, at least I didn’t… eduction is so important for our future career. I’m member of this focus group of the ROC, it’s the school our trainees come from. To be honest, the school struggles with kind of a bad reputation. The group I’m in is formed to improve the quality of education and give teachers more insight into the market. My personal experience are divers, on one hand we recognize the general complaints, but on the other hand, we did have some excellent trainees too.ย
The stage we are in now, is that of advising about the new curriculum, we think the focus should be on the basics before going into subject-specific software. One thing that amazes me is the role of the student in all of this. Of course, most ‘kids’ are sixteen, but still, some of them surely can contribute to the way they would like to be taught.ย
What i’ve come to appreciate is that I’ve had a good education, even though at the time I believed my teachers weren’t all that bright ๐ Off course, I already was a genius ๐ Looking back I think they did a fairly good job!