remco[at] +31(0)651514285

32 years and one day

And that was my 32nd birthday!

The pie Nicole send was very tasty, and came in handy, because I had been so busy at work that by the time I went shopping for the small party (Loes still recovering means she can’t have too much action and needs rest) the good stuff was already taken ;). So loaded the car up with cola, chips and other snacks AND two of the infamous Albert Heijn Apple-Pies and went home.

The decorations for Loes’s welcome home were still hanging so al I needed to do is some small preparation. I text-ed some friends that they were welcome to come and celebrate. Because we didn’t know in what state Loes would be we didn’t plan ahead for my birthday, but as she was feeling o.k. a few last minute invites were send. Rene and Sandra, our friends from dancing class :S text-ed back that they would be there. And after my sister in law and her bf arrived Sandra suddenly said: “I think we’re missing something here…. is it your birthday????”. I was rolling of the floor laughing, they thought it was a ‘Loes is doing fine’ party! I did find it a bit peculiar they didn’t congratulate me, but as Caroline forgot that earlier that day because of the stress we’ve been under (Caroline also worked on the MVO-Award presentation the day before) I didn’t think much of it 😉

Who's my daddyAnyway, I had to do a lot of hosting, as Loes isn’t mobile yet, so didn’t talk to everyone much, but Marian was great, she helped out right away, so thanks for that! We haven’t solved the case of the cow yet…

And now it’s back to business as usual. Or at least I try.. I’m a little exhausted but will manage!

Who's my daddy?

Today TNT delivered this present to Loes, but we can’t find a card revealing the sender! It’s a cow you can heat in the microwave! if anyone can enlighten us?? please do?

Birthday Cake

Today is my birthday, and after receiving a new wallet from Loes I went off to work, because a few things had to be done today before I could enjoy my Birthday! My very dear friend Nicole skyped me this morning and told me that a gift was on it’s way! And a very nice gift it is! The local bakery deliverd the pie below! Thanks a lot Nicole, it isn’t as good as having you over, but that’s forgiven!

A Birthday gift
A Birthday gift


Loes (my girlfriend) had to undergo surgery today. All went alright, she’s recovering fine. But how frustrating is the waiting… first of all waiting for a few weeks until there is room. Then when we got there today at 10:30 as ordered, it took 2 and a half hours for them to start prepping her! Why in heavens name did we have to come in at 10.30 then? 

But, it’s easy complaining, the people in the hospital probably are very busy and have to work under pressure, but nevertheless it would be great if they have a bit more consideration for the patient. 

On the upside, it was great weather, so when Loes went into the o.r. I went home to eat and decided to go back with the buggy! With 20 degrees celcius it’s nice and guess what, I can driver around the parking-fence so I don’t have to pay… 😉 (Don’t tell anyone!)

She’ll have to stay there at least ’till tomorrow, so I’m home alone and very tired, so I’ll head for bed now!

In the paper

Last week a journalist from ‘De Gelderlander’ called. They were doing this piece on design and wanted to interview me… So friday he asked me a lot of questions and this is the result! For the few people who don’t understand Dutch 😉 it’s about us being a company that designs all sorts of stuff… can’t translate the whole piece, but it’s nice!

I-BRIX thinks of everything!
I-BRIX thinks of everything!

Keeping fit

As I am sitting on the hometrainer at my local Gym I decided to post this blog! That’s the advantage of having an iPhone! Today was left-over day! Not in terms of dinner but regarding work! I’ve cleaned away several little todo’s and so needed something to keep my interns busy! I’ve decided to replace our normal site by a wordpress weblog! It kept them busy and smiling! Making fun of me !